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We'll Help You Save!


Approximate cost of a bad hire due to lost productivity, rehiring, and training expenses


Potential penalty for wage and hour violation under the Fair Labor Standards Act.


Potential fine for each Occupational Safety Health ACt (OSHA) violation


Hours spent surfing the web as a result of bad hiring practices


Minimal overhead cost to either staff or outsource HR needs

Our Services

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Business Meeting
Staff Meeting

HR Consulting

Elevate your business with our HR Consulting expertise at The Bickham Consulting Group. Our holistic approach encompasses a wide spectrum of services, from strategic talent management to organizational development, empowering you to thrive in today's dynamic corporate environment!

HR on Demand

Experience the power of a myriad of options with The Bickham Consulting Group's Full HR Services. Our comprehensive suite offers an array of solutions, from talent acquisition to compliance management, guiding your business toward HR excellence and success!

HR - Full Service

Our training and documentation services are meticulously crafted to empower businesses with comprehensive learning solutions. We combine industry expertise with innovative instructional design, ensuring your team receives tailored training and clear documentation to excel in today's competitive landscape!

The Bickham Consulting Group is a valuable asset to any organization looking for top-notch, corporate-level human resources expertise and support.

J. Otis Mitchell, CPA

Still have questions?

We understand the challenges that a business faces in balancing professional priorities while maintaining full compliance with employment laws. Our services help you make sound judgments when business decisions can impact your company’s legal compliance. The Bickham Consulting Group ensures that your company is both prepared and compliant with the laws and standards to which you are held.

440 Louisiana St, Houston, TX 77002

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440 Louisiana Street

Houston, Texas 77002


(800) 557- 9884



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